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CBN News: What the Alito 'Appeal to Heaven' Flag Flap Is About, and the Spiritual Significance of the Banner

This article was written by Talia Wise and published by CBN News.

The U.S. Supreme Court is embroiled in a new controversy over a flag that some associate with the riot at the Capitol on January 6th. 

On that day, protesters carried a wide variety of signs, banners, and flags, many of them with hundreds of year of historical significance.

Among them was the so-called "Appeal to Heaven" banner or "Pine Tree Flag" – an emblem that dates back to the Revolutionary War to symbolize the fight against tyranny and "recognizing America's reliance on the protection and Providence of God," according to research by the Christian history organization WallBuilders.

But some now only associate it with January 6th because it was seen among the Capitol rioters. They're upset that the historic prayer flag was briefly seen hanging outside of Justice Samuel Alito's New Jersey home last summer, according to pictures obtained by the New York Times.

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