On Judicial Nomination Votes
In keeping with the Judicial Action Group's mission to educate and inform, we have established a scoring system to reflect how each senator votes on every judicial nominee.
Nearly all of Biden’s judicial nominees are radical leftists and, therefore, constitutionalist senators should vote against them. On this scorecard, a perfect score of 100 reflects a senator’s vote against every one of Biden’s judicial nominees. Accordingly, a score of 0 indicates that a senator voted for every one of his judicial nominees. A more detailed description of the scoring methodology can be found below.
Weighted Scorecard
*Scores for 118th Congress up to date as of 06/30/2024
Scoring Methodology
Each Court Weighted Different
Each vote taken by senators is weighted based on the federal court for which each potential judge is nominated. This is done to ensure that senators' scores reflect their position on the most important votes.
District Court = multiplier of 1
Circuit Court = multiplier of 5
Supreme Court = multiplier of 20
Score Calculation
Scores are calculated by dividing the weighted number of "No" votes cast by the senator by the total weighted votes possible for each senator.
(Total Weighted "No" Votes/Total Weighted Votes Possible)
Finally, the resulting number is multiplied by 100. Absent votes are not calculated and do not affect a senator's scores.
Example of Methodology
If Senator A votes against three nominations (two of them district court nominees and one of them circuit court nominee), the total weighted score is calculated as follows:
District Court Nominee A- 1 Point
District Court Nominee B - 1 Point
Circuit Court Nominee C - 5 Points
Total Weighted "No" Votes - 7 Points
Total Weighted Votes Possible - 7 Points
7/7 = 1
1* 100 = 100 Points for the Senator